Royal Kids Scholarship Foundation
Every Child is a Child of the King
There is an urgent need for sponsors willing to help feed, educate, and minister to these children through giving. Learn more below and on the About Us page.
Blessed to be a Blessing
Mission Statment
We seek to provide for the emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical needs of children by supporting Mikindani Royal Comprehensive School
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Sponsor a Child
Make a difference in the life of a child. In the community of Mikindani on the outskirts of Mombasa, Kenya, Mikindani Royal Comprehensive school has been serving children and lifting entire families out of poverty through education and community since 2000. Every year this ministry rescues children from exploitation and hunger, shares the love and hope of Jesus with new generations, and trains young people to be leaders in their community. To continue this good work and enable the reaching, teaching, and feeding of more children and families, we are in need of partners to sponsor children. These sponsorships will purchase food, cover medical expenses, and allow the school to maintain the staff necessary to care for the children at this school. Approximately $50 per month will cover all of a child's needs and enable the school to provide food, shelter, and qualified educators for the child's benefit. Reach out, sponsor, and make a difference today!
Child Sponsor
50$Every monthFood, water, medicine, study materials for 1 childÂ- be connected with and provide for the needs of 1 child
- covers food, water, basic medical, and education expenses
- receive updates and letters from your sponsored child
- receive regular updates on school news and events
Moving Mountains
100$Every monthSponsor 2 ChildrenÂ- be connected with and provide for the needs of 2 children
- covers food, water, basic medical, and education expenses
- receive updates and letters from your sponsored children
- receive regular updates on school news and events